Don’t worry about it being perfect. Just write. Sure, there will be random thoughts, stuff-that-sounds-like-garbage, and things you’ll read over and think “I can’t believe I wrote that, that’s horrible.” But there will also be some gems. A line or two here and there, seeds for a song. Sometimes, a whole song. Don’t worry about all of that; just write.
I shared that idea with a group of teens and tweens a couple of days ago at a songwriting workshop that my writing/music partner, Joshua (aka “Bubba”) and I presented at the East Branch of the Terrebonne Parish Library in Houma, Louisiana. This concept is something I learned from author/creative mentor Julia Cameron (whom I’ve never met) and from author/creative mentor Deacon Diane Moore (who is a cherished friend and gifted author). It’s something I know to my bones to be true.
So after a couple of years of the idea of this songwriting blog bumping my consciousness, I finally decided to heed my own advice.
Why didn’t I do it sooner? Let’s see....
There are already such things out there.
Can I keep up with it?
What will I write about?
Will I run out of ideas?
What if it’s stuff-that-sounds-like-garbage?
Hmm. You know, those are the same questions I hear when people talk about writing songs. Since this is meant to be a songwriting blog, I’ll allow my Wiser Inner Songwriter answer them.
There are already such SONGS out there.
There are indeed. And the world always has room for more. God didn’t stop creating flowers just because God came up with some roses and tulips; God said “Wheee! This is fun!” and kept on going.
Can I keep up with it?
Who knows? Does it matter? Do what you can.
What will I write about?
Start writing and the ideas will show up. Sometimes you even write about having nothing to write about…and that’s something to write about.
Will I run out of ideas?
Well…my husband says I never run out of ideas. I pull them out of the ether, so to speak, from the Creative Source, so to speak, and THAT supply is endless. I might run out, but that Source never will.
What if it’s stuff-that-sounds-like-garbage?
Then, write a song about garbage.
So there we have it. Let’s see where this goes.